Trailblazing solutions for better seating
The RECARO brand is a promise. It is a source of inspiration and fascination. It also means hard work, day after day. To fascinate airlines and their passengers with pioneering solutions for better seating is RECARO Aircraft Seating’s motivation.
Design & Ergonomics

Maximum comfort in the smallest of spaces.
RECARO Aircraft Seating’s standard of design quality for its products is expressed in the successful combination of functionality, ergonomics and aesthetics. We call this combination “Ingenious Design”.
For RECARO Aircraft Seating, the focus is on people with their perceptions, emotions and varied needs. The developers at RECARO always have the passenger’s wellbeing in view in terms of the interplay between seat weight, cost and comfort.
The result is that aircraft seats from RECARO Aircraft Seating distinguish themselves through outstanding quality, ergonomic comfort, low weight and innovative design.
Supply Chain

Excellence all along the supply chain
A premium product can only be developed and manufactured with innovative and reliable suppliers. With this in mind, RECARO Aircraft Seating continuously strives for excellence in its own processes. We demand the same from our partners across the entire supply chain.
Our suppliers are carefully selected and continuously put to the test. Key factors are quality, on-time delivery, reliable processes and, of course, competitive costs. Flexibility, commitment and a desire to supply customers with the best products at all times round off the requirements profile.
To continuously improve the performance of RECARO Aircraft Seating’s customers, suppliers need to work together with us as one. Only then can RECARO aircraft seats always be delivered to the aircraft manufacturers and the airlines in the best quality and on schedule.
Final Assembly

Succeeding with “Shopfloor Management”
In early 2007, RECARO Aircraft Seating developed a mission statement for its worldwide production sites:
“We want to be the best seat manufacturer from our customers’ perspective.”
This means producing seats of the highest quality, delivering them to customers on schedule and keeping an eye on costs at all times – all of this, with the greatest possible flexibility.
In order to achieve this objective, we implemented a special leadership culture: Shopfloor Management today ensures consistent improvement in leadership performance at all our production sites worldwide and enables employees to recognize any deviations quickly and react to them immediately. Thanks to Shopfloor Management, every employee understands his or her contribution to the overall success and is aware of his or her personal responsibility in the manufacturing of products that RECARO can be proud of. Most importantly, our customers can rely 100 percent on taking delivery of their seats in premium quality at the agreed delivery dates – regardless of the RECARO site worldwide where they are manufactured.
The implementation of the new management culture has been so successful that RECARO Aircraft Seating today serves as a model for companies that are active in a wide variety of sectors. In Schwaebisch Hall and in Swiebodzin, we hold regular events targeted at providing other companies with insight as to how they can also gain more efficiency and quality in their production.