RECARO Aircraft Seating


LOT places first seat order for new aircraft

SCHWAEBISCH HALL, Germany – For the first time, Polish airline LOT selected Recaro Aircraft Seating to equip its Boeing 737-800. In just eight months, the first of nine shipsets with the BL3710 economy class seat will be delivered to LOT.

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A direct interface with the passenger

SCHWAEBISCH HALL, Germany – Recaro Aircraft Seating is now entering the era of dress cover production: on November 30, 2018, its new “cut2dress” dress cover production center is officially inaugurated in Świebodzin, Poland. In the future, Recaro will be setting its own quality standards in terms of workmanship. Dr. Mark Hiller, Chief Executive Officer and Shareholder of Recaro Aircraft Seating says: “With cut2dress we target at additional growth, and we are taking another step towards even better supporting our customers with “cut2dress”. Of course, we will in addition continue buying dress covers from reliable partners.” At the same time, Recaro Aircraft Seating Polska is underscoring its position as an exceptionally trustworthy employer in the region.

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Turnover rises to over 500 million Euros for the first time

SCHWAEBISCH HALL, Germany – It is already clear that 2018 will be a record year for Recaro Aircraft Seating. For the first time in the aircraft seat manufacturer’s history, turnover is exceeding the 500 million Euro mark – a figure that makes Chief Executive Officer and Shareholder Dr. Mark Hiller extremely proud: “This level of exceptional success can only be achieved with exceptional people.” Dr. Hiller also pointed out that there are still high-turnover months ahead prior to the end of the year.

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The “Focus Special Mention” award goes to

LUDWIGSBURG / SCHWAEBISCH HALL, Germany – A great success for Recaro Aircraft Seating at the "Focus Open – Baden-Württemberg International Design Award": the aircraft seat manufacturer was honored with the "Focus Special Mention" award in the Public Design category for its BL3710 seat. Company representatives were presented with the award on October 12, 2018 in Ludwigsburg. The award-winning economy class seat can be seen at the Stuttgart Design Center exhibition in the Ludwigsburg MIK Museum through November 25, 2018.

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Seating experience – the next level

BOSTON, USA/ MUNICH, Germany – The FlyingLab, Lufthansa’s open innovative platform, offered passengers the ability to experience and test state-of-the-art products and services while on board a Lufthansa aircraft. Recaro Aircraft Seating, a partner of the Lufthansa FlyingLab, gave insights into their solutions regarding intelligent seating, flexibility and customization.

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