RECARO Aircraft Seating


Seating experience – the next level

BOSTON, USA/ MUNICH, Germany – The FlyingLab, Lufthansa’s open innovative platform, offered passengers the ability to experience and test state-of-the-art products and services while on board a Lufthansa aircraft. Recaro Aircraft Seating, a partner of the Lufthansa FlyingLab, gave insights into their solutions regarding intelligent seating, flexibility and customization.

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Groundbreaking celebration for Recaro Aircraft Seating China

SCHWAEBISCH HALL, Germany / QINGDAO, China – On July 31, 2018, Recaro Aircraft Seating China held a groundbreaking ceremony for the second phase of its major expansion plans, inviting 50 international guests including government officials, airline customers, OEMS, suppliers and business partners.

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